Electrical Engineering For Your Water And Wastewater Projects
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TLS Engineering LLC provides design, bidding, and construction phase electrical engineering consulting services for water quality/batch detention ponds.

TLS begins a water quality/batch detention pond project by confirming the project details. TLS has experience with both a valve-controlled pond and a pond with a wet well and pumps. 

For a valve-controlled pond project, the motor actuated valve details are confirmed and TLS provides a control panel design to open/close the valve, either based on a float or pressure switch. A pond project consisting of only a valve can be powered from either the electric utility company or by a solar panel.

For a pond with a wet well and pumps, the pump details and level control preferences are confirmed and TLS provides a control panel to operate the pumps based on wet well level measured via a submersible level transducer and/or floats.

TLS develops a design drawing set including equipment specifications, an electrical site plan, a one-line diagram, Control Panel details, and electrical details. 

When the project goes out for bids, TLS Engineering will provide bid phases services, including responding to RFIs and issuing addenda as required. 

When the project enters the construction phase, TLS will perform submittal review, respond to RFIs, perform a final site inspection, create a punch list of items for the Contractor to resolve, and complete the record drawings based on any changes to the original design drawings.

Featured Projects
Barton Creek Sections K, L, O, Water Quality Ponds A, B, C
Austin, Texas
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