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TLS Engineering LLC provides design, bidding, and construction phase electrical engineering consulting services for generator addition projects. This is a project where the Owner has an existing site without a back-up power system and wants to add a generator to provide back-up power.

TLS begins a generator addition project by confirming the project details, which typically involves making a site visit to confirm the existing loads and site conditions. During the site visit, TLS determines the best location for the new generator and Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS). Also during this site visit, TLS will confirm the existing means of alarm communication, to determine if there are spare inputs available to bring new generator/ATS alarms to. TLS will then coordinate the Owner's preferences, including their manufacturer preference, natural gas/propane/diesel preference, and level of sound attenuation for the generator enclosure.

The design phase starts with performing the generator sizing calculations, using the preferred manufacturer's sizing software and confirming the generator details with a generator representative. TLS develops a design drawing set including generator/ATS specifications, an electrical site plan, a one-line diagram, and generator details. 

TLS confirms which generator/ATS alarms the Owner wants to monitor and specifies that those alarms shall be brought to the existing communication system, whether it is an autodialer or SCADA Panel. Common generator/ATS alarms include: Generator Running, Generator Fail, Generator Low Fuel, Generator Fuel Tank Rupture, and ATS in Emergency Position.  

When the project goes out for bids, TLS Engineering will provide bid phases services, including responding to RFIs and issuing addenda as required. 

When the project enters the construction phase, TLS will perform submittal review, respond to RFIs, perform a final site inspection, create a punch list of items for the Contractor to resolve, and complete the record drawings based on any changes to the original design drawings.

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