Electrical Engineering For Your Water And Wastewater Projects
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TLS Engineering LLC provides design, bidding, and construction phase electrical engineering consulting services for water booster stations.

TLS begins a water booster station project by confirming the project details, including the important deadlines, pump details, Owner/Operator preferences and standards, back-up power system preference, and remote monitoring/control preference. The design phase starts with calculating the electrical load and coordinating with the local electric utility company to ensure the required ampacity and voltage are brought to the site. The control strategy coordinates all systems at the site, typically including the booster pumps, hydropneumatic tank, and storage tank. TLS develops a design drawing set including equipment specifications, an electrical site plan, a one-line diagram, Control Panel details, SCADA Panel details, and electrical details. The water booster station's back-up power system is designed based on the project requirements, with the following details taken into consideration: permanent versus portable generator, natural gas versus diesel fuel, and Owner's preferred generator manufacturer.

Early in the design process TLS coordinates with the Owner/Operator to ensure their design standards and preferences are implemented within the electrical and controls design. These preferences typically include the level control strategy, means of alarm communication (autodialer versus SCADA Panel), and generator manufacturer. When an Owner has an existing SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) system, TLS coordinates closely with the Owner's Systems Integrator to ensure the water booster station's SCADA Panel will be compatible with the existing SCADA system and is monitoring/controlling all desired I/O points.

When the project goes out for bids, TLS Engineering will provide bid phases services, including responding to RFIs and issuing addenda as required. 

When the project enters the construction phase, TLS will perform submittal review, respond to RFIs, perform a final site inspection, create a punch list of items for the Contractor to resolve, and complete the record drawings based on any changes to the original design drawings.

Featured Projects
439 Water Supply Corporation Pump Station 9 Improvements
Belton, Texas
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