Electrical Engineering For Your Water And Wastewater Projects
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TLS Engineering LLC provided electrical engineering consulting services for the Trenton Water Well project in Trenton, Texas. 

This project involved the electrical and controls design for a new water well and disinfection building. TLS calculated the electrical load and coordinated with the local electric utility company, Texas-New Mexico Power, and designed the electrical service distribution. The scope included providing an electrical site plan layout, designing the grounding and surge suppression systems, and site lighting. TLS designed the electrical system associated with the disinfection building, including HVAC and lighting design.

TLS specified a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) for the 150 horsepower Well Pump. Calculations were performed to select a 250 kW diesel generator for back-up power.  

TLS specified a new SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) Panel, using cellular communication, for system monitoring and communication of alarms.