Electrical Engineering For Your Water And Wastewater Projects
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TLS Engineering LLC provided electrical engineering consulting services for the Sonterra Municipal Utility District, Water Treatment Plant No. 2, 400,000 Gallon Elevated Storage Tank project in Jarrell, Texas. 

This project involved upgrading the existing electrical service, which required extensive coordination and site visits with the local electric utility company, Bartlett Electric Cooperative. The scope included providing an electrical site plan layout, designing the grounding and surge suppression systems, and site lighting. TLS designed the electrical system associated with the elevated storage tank, including lighting, heat trace for exposed piping, and instrumentation (pressure and level transducers).

TLS coordinated the replacement of the existing SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) Panel with Sonterra MUD's Systems Integrator, Alterman. Throughout the design process, TLS coordinated with Sonterra MUD's Operator, Crossroads Utility Services, to ensure all of their standards and preferences were met.